national carrier has also decided to discontinue loss-making routes,
among others steps, to rein in the spending and return to break-even.
use of expensive hotels or five-star hotels for stay during the travel
or holding events has been restricted unless it is unavoidable and the
budget for such activities has been reduced by 10 per cent as part of
the measures, Air India sources said.
"These cost-cutting measures
are part of a two-pronged drive to speed up our return to the
break-even status. The measures are aimed at cutting costs under all
controllable account heads by nearly 10 per cent," they said.
Reuters image
a long spell of losses, Air India had recorded a net profit of Rs 14.6
crore in December last on account of a healthy growth in both passengers
and cargo revenues.
Air India's total revenue rose by 6.5 per
cent to Rs 2070 crore during December 2014 as compared to Rs 1,944 crore
in the same period in 2013.
The state-run airline has reduced
both its operational and net loss over the last two fiscals. Its net
loss came down to Rs 5,389 crore in the last fiscal compared with a
net loss of Rs 5,490 crore in financial year 2013 and Rs 7,559.74 crore
in FY12.
AI has a cost base of nearly Rs 24,000 crore out of
which nearly Rs 14,000 crore is variable and this includes fuel cost of
Rs 9,500 crore.
"With the decline in fuel prices, the company
plans to achieve at least a 20-25 per cent reduction in its fuel
bills in the next fiscal, which will be a substantial saving for the
carrier," the sources said.
Air India currently has a 22,500-strong workforce as against 33,000 at the time of merger of AI and Indian Airlines.
also see
sources said that once the hiving-off process of the Air India
engineering and ground-handling subsidiaries get operational and some
11,500 employees are transferred on these companies' payrolls, it would
have only 11,000 employees by the next fiscal, which would reduce the
airline's wage bill significantly.
The management has also directed that all routes should be critically reviewed and routes which are not covering fuel
cost or variable costs, removed from the network after studying the historical trends, they said.
cost or variable costs, removed from the network after studying the historical trends, they said.
The Finance Ministry has already made this as a mandatory condition in the Turnaround and Financial Restructuring Plan
while providing the budgetary support.
while providing the budgetary support.
The government had granted the state-owned carrier a performance-linked bailout package of over Rs 30,000 crore in
April 2012.
April 2012.
According to the sources, the airline management has also indicated that posts in non-operational areas should be frozen
or abolished.
or abolished.
management has also emphasised to all its employees that the targets
set under the turnaround plan and the budgets should be achieved for
this fiscal on a "war footing" and there can be no compromise on these,
they said.
On the operational front, the measures are aimed at
improving aircraft utilisation by cutting down the turnaround time at
transit stations, reducing duty travel of crew to the minimum to
increase their productivity, close monitoring of occupancy ratios on
various flights, bringing down expenditure on entertainment at foreign
stations, among others, they said.
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